The bus stops, the parked cars, the hustle and bustle of traffic. Imagine that all this disappears, that the time clock takes a giant leap backwards to the late 1930s. We discover a sparsely populated and extremely charming Piazza Sempione, where we catch a glimpse of a child playing in the street and a couple strolling along. In the background is the grocery store.
It is a real plunge into the past that one can take thanks to this extraordinary image taken from the Iccd (Central Institute for Catalogue and Documentation) archive and published in Typimedia Editore’s volume “Come eravamo Montesacro”.
The birth of “Città Giardino Aniene” was the result of an initiative of a consortium between the municipality, the National Housing Union and the Council Housing Institute of Rome. Work began in 1920, based on a project by architect Gustavo Giovannoni. The target group envisaged for this area was part of the middle class: civil servants and professionals.
WATCH: How to purchase the volume “Come Eravamo Montesacro” (How We Were Montesacro)
WATCH: All the volumes in the series “Come Eravamo”